Sunday, July 19, 2009

About Us

OK... First of all I am new to this. So bear with me. And keep in mind I am an artist and I am sensitive about my ish.

So let me start by saying I am 30 almost 31 and my husband just recently turned 38. We were together for 5 years before we got married. We have a his, hers, mine, and ours type family. Let me explain. I have a child from a previous relationship but have never been married before this. He has a son from a previous relationship and was been married before to a woman who had a young daughter who he raised. Then they had a child together. They divorced. (OBVIOUSLY!!) And we have a son together. Are you tracking? In all, we have 5 beautiful children. WOW. All the boys live with us full time. The girl lives with us during the summers and school breaks.

We married July 4th, 2009 and it was the most magical day ever for both of us. I just want to stay married, as do most people, till death do us part. So this blog is to see how we do that. And to answer questions like:

  1. How do we stay happy?

  2. How do we continue to evolve as individuals without compromising our marriage?

  3. What do we do when we disagree and can't seem to get past it?

  4. In these times of disposable marriages, how do we last?

  5. How do we not give up, especially when it seems like the easiest thing to do?

Also I am going to get perspectives from other married couples, but I also want to speak to my single and divorced friends. We were together for 5 years before we got married. And if you would have asked me we would have stayed that way till one of us died. But my beautiful husband wanted to make it legal and he will explain his reasons.

So let the blogging begin.... if you have any topics, question, or concerns please don't hesitate to comment.

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